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How to use Shared Column Configuration?

  • 9 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Hello all,

I have been trying to work on Shared Column Configuration, but it is not getting applied. Kindly let me know if i am following the correct steps:

Setting up the list of the columns, to be displayed, using Column Configurator → Selecting Shared Column Configuration.

I am looking to hide the Currency field for all the users except for admin. And there would be some other fields too that will be made visible/invisible on regular basis.

Moving them  to the list of Available columns:

Selecting the table under Shared Column Configuration:

And at last selecting the users for whom the columns shouldn’t be displayed:

And clicking on Finish.

The columns are getting invisible but after logging into the bernia’s account, I am able to change my columns:

How can I restrict the user to not be able to add it again.

Thanks in advance.

You need to change the access rights on the filter screen under Hidden to ensure that only users whose role you want to allow creating/editing Shared filters are set to delete and all others are set to Not Set


On the filter screen they wont be able to select the Shared and if they select a Shared filter they wont be able to save or remove it. They can still add their own filters.

Hey @dcomerford ,

can you please reshare the image? It seems broken to me.

