We have a web-hosted Acumatica instance (2021 R2).
We use Tasks quite a bit, and we frequently set due dates and although we check the “Reminder” box and set a date, nothing happens. There’s no pop-up, no email, nothing. Essentially, the “Reminder” box is useless to us right now. Apart from setting up my own Business Event that will email people when triggered, I don’t understand how I can get the “Reminder” box to do anything?
I found instructions to “Turn on Reminders” https://biofermenergy.acumatica.com/(W(1))/Help?CompanyID=BIOFerm+Energy&ScreenId=ShowWiki&pageid=667e2765-09c0-4800-a02d-0e225b8203e1, but these instructions seem to only work with locally-hosted setups of the ERP (hence the topic being underneath the tree of System Administration/Maintaining Acumatica ERP Locally).
I could not find equivalent setup instructions for web-hosted ERP… Can anyone help?