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Hi guys,

If I have a company structure like the picture below with 3 layers (note that A and F have more than one locations), how should I create them in Acumatica system?

I was thinking 2 ways.

1. if I create A-G as ‘companies’ and for the locations of A and F I create branches, the question is: where do I generate the consilidated financial statements?

2.If I create A as ‘company’ and B-G as branches, how do I create 3 layers? I mean, if B-E are branches, I don’t see a way to generate a ‘subbranch’ for F and G.

Could anyone help me here? Thanks!


HI @shuang57 

There is currently no way to create 3 layers in Acumatica for companies. You can share financials across some or all branches in the system. 

Have you thought about using Subaccounts?

Here is help on Company types and Branches:

Hi @kbeatty21 Thank you for the help! Very useful information on branches
