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Hello, I am attempting to set up Acumatica such that outbound emails are automatically processed (that is, I want them sent out every minutes).  I have attempted to set up Automation Schedules both for the Emails Pending Processing Screen (SM.70.00.00) and Send and Receive Emails (SM.70.00.10). However, the emails are “stuck” in the Pending Process phase on SM.70.00.00 (manually processing them works just fine). I have a few questions regarding this:


  1. First, my understanding is that this is achieved through setting up an “Automation Schedule”, correct? Are there any other ways to achieve this?
  2. If so, which screen should the schedule be set up on, SM.70.00.00, SM.70.00.10 or both?
  3. Lastly, and the real prompt for my question, neither of the schedules I set up for SM.70.00.00 or SM.70.00.10 are firing (per SM205030). There are no errors, just no “last executed” values. The schedules are active, were set to “start” in the past (6/27/2021 and 6/28/2021), are a “Daily’ Schedule Type with an Execution Time of every 5 minutes. What might prevent these schedules from even attempting to execute?


Hey Kelly - try clicking "Initialize Scheduler" from the Automation Schedule Status screen. Sometimes you need to click that to get everything moving.

@DavidGelulaJedi . thanks for the response. Unfortunately, the “Initialize Scheduler” button is disabled for me.

Kelly - I would suggest to delete the schedules you have and try to recrate a new schedule via the Send / Receive Email process page using the schedule button.  If this does not resolve, please create a Support case and we can review in more detail.  Good Luck


Our setup works and here is what we have. We have selected to only send certain emails. Conditions Tab is not shown because it is blank. If you remove the Account line under Filters than all pending emails should be sent.


Not sure why I can’t add a third picture but the Schedule is set for Daily from 5am to 7pm every 5 minutes.

No amount of tweaking and playing with the “Automation Schedule” worked however deleting and recreating from the “Emails Pending Processing” screen worked the first try. Thanks to dalesimmerly87-91 for the idea.

