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Assignment Maps Conditions How To?

  • 15 March 2022
  • 2 replies

I have to create an approval map where one of our salespeople is in charge of the East United States and the other is in charge of the other half.  

I’m opening with the first condition being the lead class starting with DC (one of our brands) and then the states in parenthesis with all OR conditions:

Any help making this work would be appreciated, I’m probably having an OR too many or too few, maybe not enough parenthesis?

Thank you!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @albalma 

The Leads wont get assigned automatically. One has to run Assign Leads (CR503010) to assign the Leads as per default Assignment map set on Customer management preferences screen (CR101000)

Here is our help documentation which may help:


I get

Hi @albalma 

The Leads wont get assigned automatically. One has to run Assign Leads (CR503010) to assign the Leads as per default Assignment map set on Customer management preferences screen (CR101000)

Here is our help documentation which may help:


Thank you for your response!  You’re saying then that my map is correctly configured, right?  No logic errors?
