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I’m hoping to confirm the scope of excluded “attachments” the “"Full except Attachments” and the “Full except Attachments and Wiki” actually refer to as Export Modes for snapshots.  I can see from a snapshot I’ve created with one of these modes that “Incoming Documents” within AP are all removed.  Are there any other modules where “attachments” are removed?  I can also see within Construction/Projects the attachments there are retained with the records, not removed, which is what I would hope to find.  Are there any “gotchas” these export modes may surprise me with?  Looks like the email files under “Time and Expenses” module are also removed for the most part.  I do find three incoming email with attachments, but only three.  We are 2022R2, Build 22.205.0026.

Hi @mrhoades 

I am pretty sure that it means every single attached document.




Actually it is more than that. What platform will do is to exclude UploadFile and UploadFileRevision tables which are storing all types of files including those you see on screen as attachments and those invisible on screens. If you have customization packages with files included in them, those files also will be excluded and those customization packages will become obsolete. 

I would recommend looking at this post: How to create custom snapshot configuration
