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Using the BigCommerce/Bundle B2B connector, is there any way to handle the following business need?


We would like to create a specific Sales Price Worksheet for approximately 600 of our customers. In Acumatica, this is feasible in the Sales Price Worksheet module by attributing the worksheet to a specific Customer Price Class and then assigning that Customer Price Class to the 600 customers. 

There doesn’t seem to be a way for BigCommerce and Bundle B2B to read that information in the hierarchy we are looking for.


Any suggestions?

Hi Michael, feel free to ask the same question via BigCommerce’s B2B Edition chat feature here:


Colleen Shea

Hi Michael,

You may want to take a look at the Better B2B product from Kensium that addresses a lot of the current issues with BigCommerce Bundle B2B connector.


David Eichner, CPA


Hi @MichaelTobi 1 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
