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Is there a way to export record notes from an SO to BigCommerce?

I’m currently working with a user who needs to make timestamped document notes on a Sales Order to update customers on their order statuses.

Currently attempting to leverage Export Mapping on the Entities screen, however I am getting an error.


Any thoughts/ideas?



@nmasserang78 please close the form and try again. Probably, there is a line that you added and forgot to remove or it is still in the cache. 

To make it easy for you, I did the same setup as you trying and you could simply follow these below steps. 

I have tested in 22R1. Please test and let me know if it works for you. 


@nmasserang78 Please see the below screenshot to know where the notes would appear in the BC admin panel. These are viewable only at admin panel not to the customer. 


@KarthikGajendran Thank you for the response!

In this scenario, the Document Note is exporting to BC as a customer message. I have been able to successfully map the fields in the Entities screen, however the messages are not showing up in BC.

Do you know where these SO Notes would land in BC with these parameters? I’ve tested and they don’t appear in the customer’s screen.
