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Trying to filter on a Calculated data difference field

  • 28 February 2023
  • 4 replies

I created a GI trying to get the customers that are over the days past use. 
I am then trying to calculate the number of days past the Credit Due days of the oldest invoice. 

The data is displaying the way I expected it to. 
My issue is that I cannot apply a GI filter on the Day Past Credit Grace Period. If I enter 120, nothing appears even though in the All records tab, there are records that meet this requirement. 

These are the fields that I am using for the calculations. 
Thank you in advance. 



4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @wfilipiak67 ,

Please post the xml code for your GI and I will be glad to take a look.


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@lauraj46 , 
Here is the xml of the GI. 
We are trying to create a filtered tab to the GI. The sorting of the column is working. 

Thank you for the assist. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @wfilipiak67 ,

The formula results are being interpreted as text.  Some hints are that the data is left justified in the column, and also if you try to do a Quick Filter on the column the filter options do not include Greater Than or Less Than.  

To ensure that the result is converted to a number, specify a Schema Field that is of a numeric data type.  I tested this as shown below and it seemed to do the trick.

Hope this helps!


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@lauraj46 ,
Thank you very much!
Setting the schema worked great!
