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I have a GI that shows Serial #s for a particular Inventory ID that have a QtyAvail greater than zero.  I am using the INLotSerialStatus table.  In v2021R1, whenever I allocated a serial # for this Inventory ID on a Sales Order, it would update QtyAvail from one to zero, hence making that Serial # disappear from my GI result.  After upgrading to 2022R2, the QtyAvail field in the INLotSerialStatus table is no longer updated upon SO Allocation.  I cannot figure out which table gets updated upon SO Allocation for a Serial #.

I found the table: the table that SO Allocation updates is ‘INItemLotSerial’, not ‘INLotSerialStatus’.  Tip for others: I tested allocating a serial # to a Sales Order, reviewed the Trace, and on the Save event I noticed you can find in the SQL tab which tables are updated upon saving.  That is where I discovered the ‘INItemLotSerial’ table.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @danielklumpp !
