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Running Balance in Reports Designer

  • 26 October 2023
  • 4 replies

Hi Everyone,


Is it possible to create this scenario in Report Designer? Upon reading some articles creating a running balance in GI is not possible.   Where in the Depreciation stop if it identifies a certain value?


What reports can I adjust or revise if ever.




Hi @abrilromero06 ,

You can create a Running Balance in the report designer by using variables.  We would need more details to understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish specifically, but there many examples in the standard reports of variables for example the Historical Inventory Report (IN671000).  Variables are created in the collection attached to the report sections.  


Hope this helps!


We also created a text field in the Fixed Asset Classes that shows the Tax Policy

that will reflect in the Fixed Asset if we choose the Fixed Asset Class


The idea is to calculate it in the report based on the new Taxation percentage per year and zero out if the net value reaches the value of <12.5 so that the line will be counted as the NEW Useful life for their Taxation Law.


Take a look at my example in the Excel I've sent above. 

Hi @abrilromero06 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi Laura,


Our client required us to create a report that shows two different depreciation methods and two different useful lives based on their CURRENT TAX LAW. We suggested instead using two depreciation methods and two useful lives for a certain Asset which are out of the ordinary. We recommend using only one Accounting Useful Life and Depreciation instead.


Since the Taxation Depreciation and Useful Life are used for regulatory reports only we suggested just creating the Report that shows the 2nd Depreciation method and Useful Life.


Kindly refer to the attached file for the policy of our client's existing tax law.


I will try to recreate this scenario using your suggested report.


Thank you
