Do you know if your way of calculating the order quantity is different than Acumatica does it? If you could eliminate SOLine from your joins, the issue would go away. SOOrder has a field called OrderQty (also visible on the Sales Order screen). Could you use that and eliminate the SOLine join?
Alternatively, have you tried moving the total fields from groupFooterSection3 to groupFooterSection2?
Do you know if your way of calculating the order quantity is different than Acumatica does it? If you could eliminate SOLine from your joins, the issue would go away. SOOrder has a field called OrderQty (also visible on the Sales Order screen). Could you use that and eliminate the SOLine join?
Alternatively, have you tried moving the total fields from groupFooterSection3 to groupFooterSection2?
It’s a good thought, but the challenge I run into is that the QTY on a sales order contains both Stock and Non-Stock items (i.e. a Cup and the Decoration Service). If there were 10 Cups, the total qty would be 20 (10 cups, 10 decoration fees), so they QTY is essentially duplicated unless I have the “IsStkItem” to leverage as a limiter for the QTY and that is only at the line level.
That’s why I asked 
I don’t understand why the “group” function doesn’t work as I would expect, which is to grab distinct value at the ORDER level (my grouping) and sum that?!
You got me thinking though. Say this is my scenario :
Order 1, 5 lines, each line has an ‘unpaidbalance’ of 100 due to the row proliferation
Order 2, 3 lines each line has an ‘unpaidbalance’ of 50 due to the row proliferation
So the SUM i’m getting to is (100 x 5) and (50 x 3) or 650.
I can’t divide 650 by the count of rows (8) because that gives me 81.25.
i need to take 500/5 + 150/3
How can I do THAT!?
The group by doesn't work because you're grouping by SOOrder.RefNbr and each line from SOLine joined to SOOrder has that RefNbr.
How can I do THAT!?
This could possibly work:
This is not necessarily actual field names. I don't have the DAC in front of me.
If this is just regarding the customer total, and the group2 totals (838.65 + 3267.34) are correct, I would use a variable which increments the header values on each group2 and resets at group1 to keep track of the actual customer total.
Thanks Everyone for the suggestions. @darylbowman i did try that but it did not work as expected.
I was able to create a sub report that totaled at the customer level and passed the parameters that way.
took a month and a day to get all the fields to line up...but it seems to be working.