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In Report Designer, we have a text box with several lines of text.  The requirement is to adjust the font color or bold property for only a few words in the middle of this text string.  Like this.

We reviewed the Format function, but didn’t see an option to control these properties.

Anyone know a way to do this?



Any updates on this by chance? Would love to have formatting tags in the text fields.

Anyone know if this has been submitted as an idea?  I didn’t find it looking quick but I think it would be a huge + for those developers wanting to bring a modern look to reports. 

@Andy Smith 

Here is the best example I could find of someone making it work but its not a 100% solution more of a proof of concept…   it being a few years old doesn’t fill me with hope about a better solution any time soon.

Has anyone found a solution for this?  since it’s been a year, thought I would check.

As far as I know this feature is still not implemented, which is quite sad 😕

Has anyone found a solution for this?  since it’s been a year, thought I would check.

Did you ever get an answer to this?  I have the same need.

nope! :frowning2: 

every source tells me, that this is function is currently not available :tired_face:

Did you ever get an answer to this?  I have the same need.

Does anybody know any embedded formating functions? We are searching for bold, italic and underline.

Thank you Mark.  Yes -  we use the br tag often.  From your suggestion, I tried several HTML formatting tags, but the system interpreted them as text strings.  

Also - the br tag is usable standalone vs Bold and other tags want an open and close surrounding the text impacted.  So wondering if that is a factor.

Thanks for the idea.  Let me know if you if you know how to make this work.



Idea only:  Are you familiar with adding line breaks and concatenation multiple fields together in the value field?


Fieldone + ‘  ‘ + FieldTwo + ‘{br} 


br is an embedded line break. There has to be the same for font and color. These are HTML tags. 

Worth a shot to try. 
