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We’re trying to build a inquiry/report that displays the following:

From Project Summary:

  • Project number
  • Project description
  • Project Manager (owner)

From Project Balances

  • Original Budgeted Amount
  • Revised Budgeted Amount
  • Actual Amount
  • Actual + Open Committed Amount
  • Variance Amount
  • Performance %

All the data is in the system but we’re struggling to find the correct tables/fields to pull this data from. 

Has anyone out there developed something like this? 

For the Generic Inquiry try using the PMBudget as your primary table. 

Actual Expenses:  =Iif(fPMBudget.Type]='E','PMBudget.CuryActualAmount],0)*-1

Actual Revenue:  =Iif(IPMBudget.Type]='I','PMBudget.CuryActualAmount],0)

Gross Margin: =(Iif((PMBudget.Type]='E',=PMBudget.CuryActualAmount],0)*-1) + (Iif((PMBudget.Type]='I',=PMBudget.CuryActualAmount],0))

You can you the same to get the other amounts you require. 


Alternatively you can create a report from Finances > Preferences > Report Definition.  Change you Type to PM 


Hi @peter92 

The Project Summary Inquiry (default) returns most of your columns except the Project manager. You can add additional columns as needed. You can find this on our Sales demo tenant. 

ScreenID: PMGI0025

Project Summary

Hope this helps,



This is report works to a point.  Thanks for the advice of adding the Project Mgr to the GI.  One of the items we can’t seem to get a handle on is where to find the actual paid to date value.  One might look at the Revenue to Date field and think that is what is paid-to-date but what that really reflects is what’s been invoiced-to-date (which may reflect paid, but not always).  Do you have a suggestions as to how I can get the actual paid-to-date amounts in this or any other GI we might create?




Hi @peter92 were you ever able to resolve your issue? Thank you!

No.  I moved on to other items but need to revisit this.


I have the report but still trying to determine where to find the actual paid to date value.  Can you guide me to where I can locate it?



@Chris Hackett 

Not yet, still need help with this.
