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I am creating a generic inquiry where i would like to join the ARInvoice table to the FSServiceOrder table. This is so i can refence the docdate of the Invoice. What are the Parent and child fields to link service orders and AR invoices table?


I don’t have much experience with the Service module, but from a bit of investigation, it looks like Invoices would show up under ‘Billing Documents’ on Appointments. These documents come from the FSBillHistory table, which can be joined to FSServiceOrder like:

FSServiceOrder.SrvOrdTypeFSBillHistory.SrvOrdType and 



Then, to join the FSBillHistory table to ARInvoice:

FSBillHistory.ChildDocTypeARInvoice.DocType and 


Thanks for your response. I will try it and keep you posted. Do you know what would be a good resource to get a better understanding of table relationships in Acumatica or an in-depth guide on generic inquires?

Hello @lewisad ,

To get a better understanding of the DAC/Table relationships, you can use the Merged DAC Relations (SM402000) screen and DAC Schema Browser.

In addition, you can follow the S130 Data Retrieval and Analysis course at Acumatica University.





