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Does anyone have a good setup for an On Time Delivery Generic Inquiry? We are trying to decide the best way to do so and looking for ideas. Currently, I have a Shipment Performance generic inquiry that shows total days late for individual Sales Orders that have been completed, but I’m hoping to work in current open orders that are past due.


@Neil Cantral that helped streamline my Generic Inquiry - thanks! I want to figure out the best way to display either a on time shipping percentage or ratio on the Dashboard so that will be my next step.

Depending on what you consider a late shipment and if customer lead times are accurate you could use something like this:

=DateDiff('d', Today(), [SOOrder.ShipDate])

Anything with a positive value could be considered on-time, anythign negative would be late.

If wanted to combine the completed and open orders into a single on-time indicator you can wrap it into an IIF or Switch function using a field like SOOrder.ShipmentCntr.

=IIF(FSOOrder.ShipmentCntr]>0, DateDiff('d', Today(), ,SOOrder.ShipDate]), ,Your current formula], 0)
