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Is it possible to use a wildcard in an IIF statement

  • 14 June 2023
  • 2 replies

I have a generic inquiry that I am using an IIF statement in the Results Grid to add and populate a column in the GI results.. 

The statement is as follows:

=IIf( SOInvoice.DocDesc] = 'ROLLER', '050116', ' ' )

What I am running into is there have been a few time where the SOInvoice.DocDesc containers more than just “ROLLER”, it might have ROLLER - xyz. 

When the GI is run this field is empty if the parameter of ‘ROLLER’ isn’t exact. Is there a wildcard available in Acumatica like the * in VB?

Thank you!

2 replies

Badge +12

Use the Substring() function to get the first six characters and then compare against that.


Something like 

=IIf(Substring([SOInvoice.DocDesc], 0, 6)='ROLLER', '050116', ' ')


Userlevel 4


Thank you for the quick reply and will give this a try..

Have a nice day!
