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Hi everyone.

I am encountering a layout error with a field that will not display when printing on a Purchase Order.


  1. I have created a PO and generated an intercompany Sales Order. under the “others” Tab of that purchase order there is a Related SO nbr which i need to display on my PO layout.


  1. In my Report Designer i have selected this field fPOOrder.IntercompanySONbr]. It is standard in the Schema and did not need to be brought in via manual connecting.



  1. When i print this report the field is blank and does not show the related SO Nbr.



I have tried refreshing the Schema and refactoring but nothing has seemed to change.

Would anyone have an idea to what the issue could be here. 

Hi @liam64 

That is a virtual field, meaning it’s not a field in the Database on the POOrder table. Report Designer can only show fields that are located in the Database, not virtual fields.


You will need to see how the join looks that they are doing to create this and replicate it on you report.

Kind Regards




You will most probably need to Left Join in the SOOrder table and join it as follows:

POOrder.OrderType to SOOrder.IntercompanyPOType

POOrder.OrderNbr to SOOrder.IntercompanyPONbr


Hope this helps.



Thank you very much this worked
