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Remove User from Administrator Role.

Add user to existing roles with no Settings, and Internal User (for Help access).

To remove ALL reports then you will need a custom role that grants only the screens you need.


I already deny the access but nothing happens


Hi @fdomingo 


Have you tried checking with a user that has no admin role and has MBI Employee role only to see if they still have access to the screens you mentioned?

Hello Community for this question this not yet solve I also try all the suggested answer or solution but is not working still the same. More ideas?

I already deny the access but nothing happens


Laura is right. Alternatively, you can deny access to an existing role instead of creating a new one. That should work too.


The most restrictive Role takes precedence, and therefore I thought of the above solution first because it involves adding just one simple role to those who should not have access.

Alternatively, you may remove the access to the above screens from all roles that have it but should not. You may change all roles that should not have the access to “not set” while leaving at least one role with higher-level access (higher than Not Set) to the screens above.

do I need? to create new User Role? there is no other option?


@fdomingo ,

Create a new Role in User Security, Roles screen.Revoke access to the above screens for the new role. Add the role to users for whom the above screens should be hidden.
