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I am currently doing a number of changes on a report in report designer.

One of those changes was to remove a subreport that was two pages long. First I tried simply hiding it, setting visible to false. But that did not work.

Next I tried deleting it completely.

Once deleted, the report is no longer showing the 2 pages, but I now have 1 blank page at the end with only header/footer displayed - how do I get rid of this?


Hey @dylantheriault - is the extra page showing only when printed, or even when you’re previewing the report within Acumatica?

Can you share a screenshot of the report and settings?

Hi @bcameron the extra page is showing when viewing the production ticket report in acumatica, printing, or saving as pdf. 

The report has page numbers and it’s including the extra page as well. 







Can you try changing the “PrintEmpty” parameter to False?


Someone had a similar issue on their check layout, and this solved it! Blank Page Printing Before Report Page | Community (

Hi @dylantheriault 

Under the properties for each section, there are settings that will result in empty pages.

Is it possible to upload a sample here. Please exclude any custom tables/Dacs. It will help us to review, troubleshoot, indetify the issue and provide the solution to fix the blank page.



Hi all thank you. @ChandraM @bcameron 

It’s the header and both footers displayed on my final blank page.

I updated the header to printempty = false.

Did not fix the issue.


Here’s the properties of each footer:


 Hi @dylantheriault Please check the height of the sections and adjust if you see anything that can lead to an extra page.

Also, is it possible share the report.



Have you tried changing the paperkind specified on the report?

A similar issue was discussed here previously as well:
so641000 and so641010 are adding extra pages when being printed or exported | Community (

I had a similar situation with the Purchase Order report. The only remedy I could find was to delete the last two sections. One was an unused sub-report and one was blank.

Not sure if this has been solved, but I always change the PaperKind from A4 to Letter.

Acumatica Reports default to PaperKind A4.

A4 is 8.3 x 11.7 inches, therefore it will print an extra page at the end.

Letter is 8.5 by 11 inches.
