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I would like to add a dashboard widget that aggregates data from a multiselect attribute. When I configure, the widget is displaying separate data sets for each instance of the varying multiselect values.

Scenario: business account 1 has an attribute that currently has value 1 and value 2 selected. Business account 2 has an attribute that has value 2 and value 3 selected.

I would like the widget to show 1 for value 1, 2 for value 2 and 1 for value 3. It currently is displaying 1 for ‘value 1 and value 2’ and 1 for ‘value 2 and value 3.’ Is there a certain way the widget needs to be configured to get this to display correctly or is this kind of data crunching not possible for multi select attributes? Thanks!

Hi @hayleehicks18 

Please provide the XML file of the GI used for this Dashboard widget and also relevant screenshots.


Hi @hayleehicks18 - were you ever able to find a solution for this issue? Thank you!

Hi @hayleehicks18 ,

If I’m understanding correctly, this post might be helpful:

Once you create a generic inquiry with the data, you should be able to use it as the basis for a dashboard widget.

Hope this helps!

