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Hi, we are testing to upgrade to 2022 R2 and if there is =NULL in the GI parameter, it is giving an error. But in our 2021 R1, this works. 

In the example below, I have the =NULL in the branch so it shows all results (not auto fill branch) then be able select what Branch we would like. This is in 2021 R1

In 2022R2, I get the error below.


If I remove the =NULL completed, it auto fills in with a branch.


Does anyone know how to fix this so the parameter starts out blank, then we can select which we want? 

Glad it is working.

In the second approach you will need to add

“PX.Ob...Branch” to your tables then in parameters tab select Branch.BranchID for Schema.

both approaches should work.

Hi, I tried your first alternative suggestions again. This time using the ARTran.BanchID and checking the From Schema and removing the default Value and it worked (no auto fill).

When I tried it before, I was using the used the ARInvoice.BranchID, checked off From Schema and Default Value was blank. This didn’t work as it auto filled with a branch.



I was trying a different BranchID from the BaccountR table, which is probably why i was getting customer information when hitting the search button on the GI.

when I try putting in Branch.BranchID in the Tables, I don't see that. what am I doing wrong?

I apologize in advance. I am still new to all this.

Sorry, I meant from the revised Parameters tab. 

also when you said Branch.BranchID didn’t work what did you mean? You know you can add Branch DAC to the tables, don’t join it with any table and just use it’s field for Schema field. Right?

Sure, see below. just FYI, this is a GI with invoice header and invoice line information. Let me know if i’m missing something.


Can you share the screenshot of the settings that resulted in showing the customers!

Hi @aaghaei, thanks for your response. I did try checking the From Schema and that didn't work either.

I tried your alternative suggestion and it doesn't auto fill it but if I go to select the branch i want, it shows my customers instead of branches?


What if you tick the from Schema and clear the default. I’m on 21R2 so can’t test it myself.


Also as an alternative you can change your Schema Field to Branch.BranchID. I don’t believe it has default.
