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Does anyone know how I can get the calculation in a generic inquiry for a fixed asset? Currently, the calculation is only shown in the asset depreciation history, which you must look at each individual asset. 

HI @kwilson03 

Are you looking at a report? If so, which one?

Hi @kwilson03 

Try looking at this older post in the community, it may help:




Hi @kwilson03 ! If what @kbeatty21 posted doesn’t help then it might be useful to paste some screenshots in of what you’re looking for.

The Asset Transaction History doesn’t seem to provide calculations as far as I can tell.

It is a built-in inquiry which means you can’t copy it or modify it, but the table it uses for the grid data is the Transact table and loading this into a GI will show all the same data which is seen in the grid of the inquiry screen.

Can you further clarify where these calculations are?


Hello @BenjaminCrisman  and


I think @kwilson03 is referring to the calculations on the Depreciation tab of Fixed Assets screen. This example shows $0 because I haven’t run ‘Calculate Depreciation’ for this asset:


Thank you @laura01 , can this be confirmed @kwilson03 ?

Calculating history could be tricky and may need to bring in either the FAHistoryByPeriod or FABookHistoryByPeriod, but it looks like our DAC Overview for Fixes Assets in help isn’t working (normally would be here:

In order to make use of these tables you can join them to the current FABook or FixedAsset table:

These will store balances by period and may be necessary to calculate the depreciation

Hello @BenjaminCrisman  and


Thanks for all the comments

I am taking about the calculation of the depreciation only. It is on history.  I need a GI to show just

calculated depreciation, but I can’t find the table that includes the calculated field


@kwilson03 Calculated values are not typically stored in any table, they are performing the calculation once the screen is run.

This part of the Fixed Asset screen uses FASheetHistory but this table in itself is not usable and needs to be joined to another table and then calculated from there.

It looks like it is probably FATran or FARegister which is being linked to, but also FAHistoryByPeriod will have the period which can link to the transaction to pull the transaction amount showing there.


Thank you for your help. I will try it. 

You can get calculated values from FABookHistory.

Look for PtdCalculated field.


That sounds super great. Thank you for saving me a lot of time. 


I tried the book history, but it looks like it duplicates. The balance history actually shows from the year it was receipted to the end of depreciation, so that is what it is doing.  See screenshot

I might try only PTD to see that helps. 


I tried the book history, but it looks like it duplicates. The balance history actually shows from the year it was receipted to the end of depreciation, so that is what it is doing.  See screenshot

I might try only PTD to see that helps. 


@kwilson03 Hi, You need to filter by the Book, and also of course the period / year that you want.

Thank you. I got it to work by using the book for filtering. Thanks

FABookHistory may show a different PtdCalculated value from what you see on the Asset profile for that period. If it is the first period Acumatica is calculating for an imported Asset, and the configurations/methods deployed come up with a different amount for Accumulated Depreciation through the period, Acumatica will +/- accordingly to get the Asset to the correct Accumulated Depreciation.

The FABookHistory does not store this adjusted calculation, it stores only the base calculation.

GI for Calculate-Depreciation
