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I’m trying to get the subID (sub account ID) from the APTran connected to APPayments.

This GI works fine, but for the majority of records, the bill and associated sub accounts are not displaying even though there is a bill and a sub account associated with the payment. I can’t figure out why these records are not displaying this information correctly. I’ve tried merging this information several ways. Most of the records not showing a bill were payments of the type check or voided check, but not every check or voided check is missing. Most of the debit adjustments are showing, but not every debit adjustment. 

Below is an example. The payment has one bill connected, and the bill has one payment. Any ideas why this would not show in the GI?

one check under bills
One bill in checks and payments

Attached I have the xml available.

Thank you!

There is no one to one relationship between APTran and APPayment. An APInvoice can have multiple lines and it can be paid fully at one or partially multiple times. What we pay is the APBill not AP lines (APTran) 

you can join APTran to APInvoice and APInvoice to APPayment but you will need to understand that a payment can be repeated in your report equal to the number of AP lines multiplied by number of payments (if paid partial). 

Not sure what are you trying to achieve but there is no direct and clean link and relation between APTran and APPayment and it shouldn’t be. You pay the bill not the bill items after all

Hi @bwhite49 

Could you please check if the below attached helps you
