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Amount In Words for Trillion Number

We do not have any facility in Acumatica Reports to convert Amount In words for Trillions.

Eg : 5235460235892.85

Amount In words : 

five trillion two hundred thirty-five billion four hundred sixty million two hundred thirty-five thousand eight hundred ninety-two and eighty-five hundredths.


Do we have any solution for this In acumatica ?



@sd79  Oh, okay. Thanks for the clarification.

I thought UDF (User Defined Fields) at the screen level.

H @Naveen Boga
The UDF is not attribute based, it is created on a DAC extension.

Anyways, I managed to figure out my issue, There was an issue in the .rpx file used. Its rectified now.

Its confirmed that we can use UDF in AP.ToWords function.

Thanks Again for your response

@sd79  UDF fields are created based on the attributes that are configured in the system.


I don’t think we can use UDF fields for this requirement.

Hi @Naveen Boga 


May you please let me know whether we can use UDF with AP.ToWords function to get Amount in words



@sd79 Glad that we helped you and thanks a lot for sharing the update.

HI @Naveen Boga @sweta68 


All the given examples by you people is working perfectly, there was a mistake in my customization, which is fixed now.


Thanks all for your responses.

Sure @sd79  I Hope that helps!!

Hi @sd79  It seems here is the solution, can you please check the below link?

Hi Naveen, thanks for the response, I will try this out today and update you.

Hi @sd79 ,

I have got another similar blog post of word representation of amount field in report.

Hope, it helps!



Hi @sweta68 thanks for the response, I have already tried this out, unfortunately it does not work for trillions.

Hi @sd79 ,

I have got another similar blog post of word representation of amount field in report.

Hope, it helps!



Hi @sd79  It seems here is the solution, can you please check the below link?
