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Alpha characters entered into an INT field

Is there a way to “filter” out alphanumeric characters from an INT field? Somehow, our Parent.BAccountID field has aat least four customer numbers, such as AAMISC, C000001, INTMISC, and KCTEST which, when I do a GI linking Parent accounts with Child accounts it continually throws an error message:

I’ve tried filtering out the “bad” customer numbers in various ways without any success. For example and I am only using two of the four for now:

Any help, if it is possible, would be appreciated. I suspect that these were imported into the system because I didn’t think it was possible to do this as a manual entry.

14 replies

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It is not possible for a database int field to store a text value. I would guess the error you're receiving is arising from a different problem.

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Could you post the join conditions you're using for that table?

Userlevel 4
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I have tried a left, inner and right joins. Right now I am using left. The Parent.BAccountID is an INT field but there are alpha characters in the field such as AAMISC, C000001, INTMISC, KCTEST which I thought was not possible for an INT field.

The error of the C000001 is popping up. Sometimes it comes up with the KCTEST as the culprit.

Userlevel 4
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The whole idea is to get an invoice history with the Parent data (bill_to_name, bill_to_no, bill_to_city, bill_to_state, bill_to_country etc.) , associated child (ship_to_name, ship_to_no, ship_to_city, ship_to_state, ship_to_country) and other pertinent data such as the for each invoice sent out that day.


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Could you post an xml export of the GI?

Userlevel 4
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Attached is the XML.

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Here is a version that should work a bit better.

I can see why the error message you were receiving caused you to come to the conclusions that you did. However, I believe the issue is simply that the tables were badly joined.

Building GIs is a learning curve. Having a background in relational databases definitely helps, but is not necessarily a requirement.

Userlevel 4
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Sorry, but the import of the XML is throwing an error:


Userlevel 4
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I am familiar with SQL joins, but still on a learning curve with the DAC stuff. It’s fun but can kind of hairy at times. I appreciate the help.

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I appreciate the help.

No worries.

What version are you on? I exported this from 23 R2 and it imports fine there. I’ve never seen an error quite like that before.

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Did you delete the original GI before trying to import? It could be having trouble replacing the existing one.

Userlevel 4
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We are on 23 R2 also. I did not delete the original, but will try that. Thank you again.

Userlevel 4
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I downloaded it again and the import worked that time. I’ll play around with it some more. In SQL I used a lot of INNER joins, but Acumatica seems to love the LEFT joins more than anything else. Again, I appreciate the help. Thank you again.

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The concept is the same. Inner joins will only return values matching in both tables. Left will return values matching in the left table and regardless of values matching in the right. For instance, SOOrder LeftJoin SOLine will return all SOOrders, even those without any lines. InnerJoin would only return those with lines.
