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Acumatica’s payroll tax set up does not allow for the entry of the mandatory SOC codes. 

Is anyone else needing to report to Indiana?

Hi JBMichael, 

I’ve looked through our Government Reporting for Indiana and do not see where they are used.  If used in a different report, we can always add in an attribute on the Employee to access very easily.  

Feel free to contact me directly. 


Product Manager-Payroll and Time | Acumatica

Hi JBMichael, 

I’ve looked through our Government Reporting for Indiana and do not see where they are used.  If used in a different report, we can always add in an attribute on the Employee to access very easily.  

Feel free to contact me directly. 


Product Manager-Payroll and Time | Acumatica

They are used when reporting wages to the Indiana Workforce Development. UC-5A-S Form, I see that this form is is an option to use under the Government Reporting Acumuatica Form. Since we are still new users, we have not yet filed this form through Acumatica so I’m not sure how it would work.

We will have this issue of needing to report soon so hopefully their is a fix.

Thanks Abe for the reply as well.  

I’ve looked at the IN UC-1/UC-5A-S eFile Report and do not see the SOC listed.  We’ll be glad to research.   Please enter or have your Partner enter in a support case.  We’ll get started on our side as well.  Feel free to send me the case number so I can follow and assist.   

As a side note:  You can review your reports at any time within Government Reporting.  You don’t have to wait till you are ready to eFile.  All reports can be reviewed and redone as many times as needed.   


Should we both submit a support case?

Here is information on the website about uploading a .csv file with the information. The field name is Standard Occupational Classification Code.

Cells Field Name Character Length Format Description
A1-P1 Column Headings   Text Labeled headings for each column, provided in DWD template.
A2-P2 Sample Row   Text and Numbers Sample display of formatted data for each column, provided in DWD template on this page.
A3-End of A Row Type 1 Text H=header, N=nothing to report, S=wage
B3-End of B Reporting Period Quarter 1 Number The quarter to be filed. Ex: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
C3-End of C Reporting Period Year 4 Number The four (4) digit year to be filed.
D3-End of D State Unemployment Tax Account Number 6 Number Six (6) digit SUTA number. No dashes.
E3-End of E Federal Employer Identification Number 9 Number Nine (9) digit FEIN. No dashes.
F3-End of F Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number 9 Number Employee's SSN. No dashes.
G3-End of G Last Name 20 Text and Special Characters Employees full last name. Dashes (-) and apostrophes (') allowed.
H3-End of H First Name 20 Text and Special Characters Employee's full first name. Dashes (-) and apostrophes (') allowed.
I3-End of I Middle Initial 1 Text Employee's middle initial.
J3-End of J Start Date 10 Number and Special Characters Employee's start date. Should be formatted with forward slashes. Ex: MM/DD/YYYY
K3-End of K Standard Occupational Classification Code 6 Number Employee's Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) code.
L3-End of L Zip Code of Primary Work Location 5 Number Zip code of the primary location where the employee performed work.
M3-End of M Full Time/Part Time/Seasonal 2 Text and Number Employee's status as full time, part time, or seasonal. Full time and part time designated as FT and PT, respectively. Seasonal status designated with two (2) digit seasonal code.
N3-End of N Gross Wages 1 Text and Special Character Employee's gross wages. Denote cents with a period (.). No dollar sign.
O3-End of O Employed 12th day of Month One 1 Text If employee worked during the pay period including the 12th day of the month, enter "Y." If not, enter "N."
P3-End of P Employed 12th day of Month Two 1 Text If employee worked during the pay period including the 12th day of the month, enter "Y." If not, enter "N."
Q3-End of Q Employed 12th day of Month Three 1 Text If employee worked during the pay period including the 12th day of the month, enter "Y." If not, enter "N."

Hi Abe, 

Yes please, both you and JBMichael can submit cases.  

Thank you!


@JBMichael, if you are using Aatrix to report, the second page shows the employee information with the SOC fields red in color to enter the SOC. Looks like for now it is a manual process but it is there for the electronic report.

thank you!! 

if you can, let me know how to submit a case!  we are still going through training and working through the bugs :/

thank you!! 

if you can, let me know how to submit a case!  we are still going through training and working through the bugs :/

Jennifer - have your consultant create one for you.  I believe you are working with Don at Aktion.  If you are not meeting anytime soon-let me know and we can connect.  

@JBMichael, if you are using Aatrix to report, the second page shows the employee information with the SOC fields red in color to enter the SOC. Looks like for now it is a manual process but it is there for the electronic report.

@amajors  - I’m not seeing a second page on the Quarterly Contribution Report.   Are you referring one of the other reports?


See pictures below.


Thank Abe!  Appreciate all the help from both you and Jennifer!
