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We can successfully import the updated health insurance rates using an import scenario; however, we have to manually set the previous deduction to inactivate it / set the ending date before importing or the import fails.   We tried to create a separate import scenario to update existing deductions, but I am not seeing how to differentiate between creating a new deduction vs updating the existing.   

SQL is so straight forward in comparison.   Update …   will update the record.   Insert will create a new record.  Not seeing comparable in the import scenario. 

Any suggestions?  



Hi @jkeller21 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Update:  Changing the default employer / employee rates for the deduction codes changes the rates for the individual employees payroll deductions.    We have other insurance where there is not standardized pricing and the prices change per year.  We would like to be able to  import the updated pricing.  How would we do this?   
