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Reflect SO line Qty changes in the Production Order (In Process)

  • 18 March 2022
  • 2 replies


If the Sales Order Line QTY to be changed after the Production Order is created and (in Process) what the best way to ensure that the Production Order will also be updated with the new qty?

We can put the PO on hold and manually update the Qty to Produce, but is there a better way?

Also it was noticed the manual update is not showing in the Totals Tab - Planned Qty. Is this on purpose?

Application version is 2020R2



Some companies may not want the production quantity altered by a change on the sales order.  Therefore the current design of the system is to not support an automatic synchronization.  The recommended method of adjusting the production order is as you suggested, to manually put the Prod Ord on hold and adjust the quantity.

You can choose “Update Planned Cost” from the menu of the Production Order to recalculate planned values when the quantity to produce is altered.

If it is your business practice to always keep the sales quantity in sync with the linked Production Order you can either work with your partner to create a customization - or another idea would be to create a generic inquiry and tie it to a KPI widget on a dashboard for easy monitoring.

Thank you!
