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I’ve been learning how to create customization projects via the Project Editor.  I’ve done fairly well with the help of Naveen and others on my earlier projects.  However, I’ve hit another snag in a new project.  This project is much like my others.  I’ve created UDFs to track IP Addresses, MAC addresses, and Room Number where equipment is deployed.  These were created in INTran and INTranSplit.  I need these fields to be editable regardless of the Status of the Inventory Receipt (IN301000) document.  I also want the Lot/Serial Number to NOT be modifiable after a document is RELEASED.  Probably sounds simple and has been for similar projects.  I created a new Workflow Extension for the IN301000 form and made it active.  I then modified that workflow adding my UDFs for INTran and INTranSplit with the DISABLED flag unchecked.  I also added the Lot/Serial Nbr field to INTran and INTranSplit setting the DISABLED flag to CHECKED.  I then created the code graph.  This is where I’m having an issue I’ve not experienced in my other projects.  When I Validate the graph, I receive the “\App_RuntimeCode\INReceiptEntry.cs(28): error CS1061: 'INReceiptEntry' does not contain a definition for 'Document' and no accessible extension method 'Document' accepting a first argument of type 'INReceiptEntry' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)” error.  Again, I’m not a developer and therefore have not yet figured out what is causing this.  I experimented with removing the “  Base.Document.Cache.AllowUpdate = true; “ pieces of the code in lines 28 and 41 (second place the same error is pointing) and then validated again.  Validation and Publishing are successful.  However, the desired behavior having the three UDFs editable is not obtained with this.  So, can someone review and help teach me what I’m missing?  I’ve attached the exported project here.

@mrhoades I made the required changes to your code and now, I can able to deploy it in the instance successfully.

Please find the attached updated package.
