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2022 R2


We have paid for Shipping Carrier Integration license. I have integrated EasyPost for UPS using our carrier rates as per the provided guides. Tested the setup and it is connecting properly.

Tested Confirming Shipment to Verify Connection - It worked

When shopping for rates at the sales order document and select a rates, it adds the cost to the document and marks up the cost to add a freight price correctly per the freight terms I have setup. Great.

Add cost and price based on rate selected and shipping terms (120% of freight cost)

But, we don’t have standard packages for all our products. We do manual packaging. So, our workflow requires us to add packages, dimensions, weights at the shipment document level. No problem, add this at the shipment level instead of sales order level.


The issue we are having is that after adding the package details, shopping for rate and selecting a rate it does not update the Freight Cost field. Furthermore, if we manually add the freight cost (not ideal) it does not update the freight price per the shipping terms.

Adding package details and shopping for rate. Select rate, click OK
Freight Cost and Freight Price are not updated after selecting rate.

Is this bugged, or am I missing something in the configuration?

Has anyone else had this issue and has anyone found a solution?


So far we like the EasyPost integration, but we need it to add freight cost and freight price just like it does in the sales order.



It does update the freight cost and freight amount (price), but not until you confirm the Shipment.


Did you try refreshing the page after you changed the shipping cost?  I recall making changes that weren’t reflected in the totals, and reloading the web page updated things correctly.

In the Shipping Terms, do you have Invoice Freight Price set to sales order rather than shipment?  This seems to work better for us.

These are just a couple ideas, we only use EasyPost with Fedex parcels so I can’t answer with any authority.

We are dealing with a similar issue for a client as well. The costs show up after confirmation, but they do not populate in the freight cost field. Did you ever find an answer?

Are you using Shipping Terms?  I think you’ll want one with 100% set for the Freight Cost.  Or 110% if you’d want to add 10%, etc.



I have an open case now, but it looks like there is some residual issue from ShipStation integration that is causing some issues with the override and write back options. 


Did you ever come to a resolution on this issue?   We are expriencing esseitially the same issue on 2023 R2 Build 23.211.0017 with the UPS/FedEx shipping carrier integration.

Like you have described/documented so well,  the Freight Cost & Price do not update until AFTER the shipment is confirmed.    What is troublesome is that I am 99% certain that when I first implemted carrier integration 2 months ago, the Freight and Price were updating when the shipping method (eg: UPS Ground) was selected and PRIOR to shipment confirmation. However since that time we have updated at least twice and now we are seeing the issue you describe.  

Have you looked at Shipping Terms?  It sounds like you previously had Invoice Freight Price set to Sales Order and now it’s on Shipment?




When we first implemented Carrier integration we did not have any shipping terms defined.  More recently I implemented shipping terms and I did set the Invoice Freight Pricing to “Shipment” which I believe is appropriate because we do not define shipping pricing on the sales order,  Shipping prices are based on actual shipment costs and that is what is passed along to the customer. 

I am experiencing the same issue whether or not I apply shipping terms to the shipment.  The issue being that shipment cost and pricing do not update until after the shipment is confirmed.  Additionally I noticed this morning that if I use the shipping terms,  the handling fee will show up in the freight price field,  but this will ONLY happen if the ship via field is empty.  Additionally if I change the shipping terms (something with a different fee) or remove the shipping terms,  the Freight price field will only update if the Ship Via field is Empty.  

It sounds like this didn’t help.

There are a few things we do here, might not pertain to your situation at all, but I’ll tell you in case some idea is helpful.

We have two Shipping Terms - Standard and Customer. 

The Customer terms is when we’re using the customer’s account.  This Terms is set to put our cost on the Invoice, with no added charges, and since our cost is $0 it will put $0. (I have the Invoice Freight field in the Terms set to Sales Order - I don’t remember why.)

Standard terms is when we’re using our account, we tell it to add a handling charge to our cost, and this result goes on the invoice.  If we want to charge the customer a certain fixed amount - if they’ve prepaid a certain amount, or we want to give free shipping - then the order-entry person will go to the Shipping tab on the Shipment form and check Override Freight Price and enter the freight amount.  This is before freight has been calculated, and before Confirm Shipment is performed.  This amount will carry over to the invoice no matter what the shipping person does.  We have this Ship Terms with Invoice Freight set to Shipment.  In this way the order-entry person can put a fixed shipping price immediately after creating the shipment, although they won’t know at this point what our actual cost is.

The only flaw in this system is that, unless we put an overriding freight charge, we are trusting the system to accurately calculate the shipping, and if something goes wrong we don’t notice until after it’s already been invoiced.  But this rarely happens.

I don’t know your situation so I don’t know if any of this is useful, but it might be.



Not sure how helpful that information is,  but it is still good to see how others have implemented and applied different features like shipping terms.

A couple of questions for you:

  1. What version / build of Actumatica are you running?
  2. Are  you using Acumatica’s “Carrier Integration” for UPS and Fedex?
  3. If yes to #2,  does the Freight Cost Field populate with a $$ value after you shop rates and prior to confirming the shipment?

We are using the EasyPost carrier integration, which was the most recommended one at the time we began using Acumatica.  There is a native integration now?

We have 2023R2 23.211.00017

I see exactly what you’re talking about now, and no it doesn’t populate.  But I remember that the cost used to be there, and I discovered that if you shop rates at the shipping tab of the sales order screen, then when you Create Shipment the cost will be there.  But if you shop rates again from the shipment screen, and change a box or shipping method, the cost won’t update - it stays the same as what was calculated under SO.

I do remember being able to shop rates and see what cost populated, but I don’t remember whether it was in the shipping screen as you’re trying now, that also won’t work for me now, or if was always in the sales orders screen, which still works now.


We are just in the implementation stages, so I am not sure when the Acumatica Carrier Integration came to be,  but that is what was “sold” to us.  It is my understanding that their carrier integration is strictly for UPS/Fedex, however they also have Easypost and Ship Engine.  Based on what I have found in community posts,  it appears that ShipEngine is where they are focusing their efforts and in my opinion the setup/integration of their carrier integration is kind of “pieced” together. For example how you integrate with UPS is completely different then how you integrate FedEx despite the fact that both of them use the REST protocol.  On top of that, if you want to “Test” with FedEx it requires Acumatica Support to make server level changes to your Tennant, where as with UPS it is a checkbox to toggle the test mode.  The end user interface is OK,  but I am not impressed by the admin/setup side.


We are also on the same version that you are and like I mentioned before, I am 99% certain that Freight Cost would populate after shopping for rates.   Unfortuntly I was not able to test it from the sales order side, since I don’t have any packages on the sales order until I start the shipment.  Regardless, we have been on 2023R2 23.211.00017 for about a month now,  and I suspect that it is this build that caused the change.   I suspect what we are seeing is the same issue that Jeremy described previouly where the fields are not updating due to some bad code.  

I will talk with my VAR and look into submitting a support ticket to see if we can get this addressed.


Thanks for this info, useful for the future.  It sounds kinda like Acumatica started pushing their own integration before it was ready.  But probably down the road you’ll be better off with the “native” integration, as long as they don’t change directions again.

If you have a minute to tell me your process, I’d be interested.  It sounds like you are entering orders on the Shipments screen, whereas we do a sales order and then “create shipment”.  But it also sounds like the only time you are saving is the time to click “create shipment” whereas there are extra tabs you gain on the SO screen to make sure you have all details as you want them.  It might be worth taking a look at that.

Our process is, we enter an order and create shipment, it goes to the warehouse and they confirm shipment, it comes back to the office and they generate the invoice.


I actually agree that it seems the Acumatica Carrier integration was not completely cooked when they launched it.  Unfortuntly from what I have read, they are no longer focusing any developemnt time to it as they are not focused on the Ship Engine integration and that is what they are promoting.  So for the time being, I think the Acumatica carrier integration pretty much as is.


As I mentioined before we are currently in the midst of implementation so nothing is finalized with our proceses, but here is what I anticipate our process will look like from a high level:

  • Enter Sales Order using sales order screen. 
  • Work orders will be cut to produce parts if we don’t have stock.
  • Shipping department will create shipment from sales order when parts are available to ship.
  • Shipping department will package and arrange shipping method (UPS,FEDEX, LTL, Courrier, etc) and either let Acumatca populate the freight cost (FedEx/UPS) or they will manually enter the freight cost (LTL, Courrier, etc).  
  • Shipping department will confirm shipment.
  • Accounting/AR will generate invoice and collect $$

It’s interesting that Acumatica is leaning towards Ship Engine now, I may take a look at that.  2 years ago, when we implemented, they were leaning towards EasyPost.  In the interim, from what you report, they were leaning towards their own.  It would be good if they’d make up their mind.
