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I’m trying to update the Vendor Inventory ID found on the Vendor Details tab of the Stock Items screen. I want to look up the record using the Vendor ID and the Purchase Unit of Measure. I’ve tried a couple of combinations thinking that the order might be important but I’m missing something.

This first attempt was to populate the VendorId variable and then the Purchase UOM variable, but that didn’t work.

Trying to populate custom key one field at a time

The second attempt was to capture both search values and then apply them:

Capturing values first before searching for them

Do I have the search key configured incorrectly or is searching on multiple fields a challenge?  I realize that I could probably create a screen on the POVendorInventory table to update the records without going through the Stock Items screen but I was hoping that there is something that I’ve missed.

Has anyone done a lookup with lot/serial numbers? I get the lookup portion but I don’t have a column (value) for the lot/serial number in my export file. It is an Amazon order export from Amazon’s software which does track or record lot/serial numbers. Below is my scenario.



@ddunn I made a new post about this import and got a reply that worked for multiple data scenarios! Here’s the link: 


Hi @hayleehicks18 - I wish I had the answer for you. I ended up purging the records and doing an insert since we weren’t live with the client yet.

I had been tempted to create a graph extension for that screen, thus adding a function I could call from the import scenario to do the heavy lifting for me. Digging around in the ACH Export Scenarios revealed that graph methods can be called from the scenario details rows but I haven’t tried that on an import scenario yet.

I’m happy to bounce ideas off of.  Or you might try posting a question yourself so it has more visibility than this one.


Hi @Ddunn,

Did you ever get this working for updating/adding vendor details to stock items? I’m having issues and can’t tell from the thread what the final import should look like.

Hi @greglang,

  Thanks for the reply and thanks for the effort in figuring that out!  I’ll give it a try since I’ve just received a request to change the vendor location code on all of the items in the system.  (In this case I can pull the key values since I have control of the update process but I’ll try this method.)


I wish I had an answer for you.  I did a bit of checking in my test environment and wasn’t able to change the font myself.  Perhaps someone set our font before I was involved with this process but I do see if you want to get deep into the Layout you do have the option to Create a Custom Theme which will give you access to fonts and more from what I have read.  See the 2 help files here. 

Great reply Greg!!


Off-topic question:  Your fonts look amazing!! Way better than our Acumatica instance.  Any idea how you got that font to be used (and what font it is)?


I posted here about how the changing the Editor Font in Site Preferences has no effect on our Acumatica hosted no response.  It seems like a minor issue, but staff is staring a screen for 8+ hours a day and it’s almost a health issue.


Thanks either way for the great response!  These are so helpful!


Here is the way I have gotten it to work to add Staff to Appointments by an external (non Key field) lookup.  The part your missing is that you need to setup the field your using as a selector field if its not already for the systems key field.   I added Account Ref# in my case as a selector column on the Staff Member ID to get the option to choose the field “Staff Member ID → Account Ref #” 




If you need help adding a selector see below.

Create a Customization project and field the field you need to add a selector on and under attributes pick Customize Attributes.  This brings up the field in the Data Access view.  



Click on. Sellector Columns and then Add Columns and find the field your using to lookup the key field and add it.  Then publish and you should be able to pick the selector in the Import Scenario.  


Let me know if you have any other issues with it.  This took a lot of trial and error for me to get figured out as well…


