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      When I study the table, I see a lot of columns start with Fin or Tran.
I konw Fin means the Finanical Period,   How about Tran?

I know YTD is year to date, PTD is period to Date.
But what are tranPTD and TranYTD?
For me, it looks like the same with FinPTD and FinYTD

@ray20  Yes…. He is the Master… :) 

@Gabriel Michaud 
Thank you,Sir.  You are quite an expert. 

This has evolved over time and the annotations on the Data Access Classes have not been update to reflect the internal changes.

2018 R2 Or Before

Previously, it was entirely based on the transaction date vs. financial period (Tran**** is related to transaction date, and Fin**** is related to the financial period of the document). Amounts are always be the same if you don’t manually override the financial period in documents. 

Here’s an example -- assume your financial year is calendar year (01-2021 = January 2021). You create a transaction on January 15th. Period is defaulted to 01-2021. Row would show period 01-2021, amount FinAmount + TranAmount would be the same.

Now, let’s say you enter the transaction on February 3rd, but you want this to be posted in 01-2021. You’d have two rows -- one based on the selected financial period (01-2021), and another one based on the transaction date period (02-2021)

2019 R1

With the introduction of company-specific year start date, you can now have multiple companies in the same tenant with a different financial year. The existing fields have been repurposed and are used to track the balances based on each company’s financial year, or using the master calendar. The Tran*** fields aggregate data based on the master financial period, and the Fin*** fields aggregate data based on the company financial period.

If you only have one company, or if every company uses the same financial calendar, you’ll see identical values in these fields. This also requires enabling the “Multiple Calendar Support” checkbox in Enable/Disable features during initial configuration.


Hello, did anyone know the difference?
