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Send statement by email, but the email template not pop up

  • 10 July 2024
  • 7 replies

Under Customers, after clicked on generate on demand then click on print statement, I tried to click send. But the email template not pop up, pls help:)

7 replies

Badge +18


I apologize for answering your question with questions….

Are Pop-ups allowed for the site in your browser settings?

Verify this customer has an email address entered and has an entry for Statement on the Mailing & Printing tab of Customer profile screen.

Does every customer have the same behavior? If some customers can receive statement by email and some customers do not work, please check the Send Statements by Email setting on Billing tab of Customer profile screen.


Are you able to email other reports?  Try sending any report to yourself with the same actions - print to screen and then choose Send.

Access Rights: is it possible you don’t have access rights for the Send Statement action?

Is there any message in Tools → Trace when the statement fails to send?

Can your Co-workers successfully email a statement to the same Customer?

Did the email statement process for for you previously and now it doesn’t work?  If so, what changed since email statement last worked successfully?


Yes, I checked every steps, but still not working. All user not able to send to any customers. I’m admin level. The email statement process for for us previously before Jan 2024 and then it doesn’t work. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@ninazhang hi! what version and build are you on? did you guys recently upgrade? 

Badge +18


We need to figure out what changed since statements email last worked successfully. Is there any information in Tools → Trace when the send email screen fails to load?

Was there an upgrade?

Do you experience the same behavior when you try to email a statement with all customizations temporarily un-published?

Do Statements print/send by email correctly from Receivables → Processes → Print Statements?






Badge +18


It looks like the System is having trouble processing a semi-colon character that may be entered in your customer’s Email .  Are you trying to send to multiple emails, with multiple addresses entered in a single field using “;” to separate the emails?

If yes, try to rule out multiple emails separated by “:” causing your problem: remove the semi-colon and remove extra emails - limint email fields on this customer and contacts of this customer to one email address per Email field. See whether the statement will send now.

You can send statements to multiple addresses using Mailing & Printing tab of the customer to add people to the outgoing statements, or you can add the extra emails manually on the screen where you are clicking SEND from the on-screen Statement.

Is the statement customized? If yes, temporarily de-activate the custom statement and try to Send the standard statement report.

