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Sales Order with Multiple Tax Code

  • 1 September 2023
  • 2 replies



2 replies

Badge +18


I’m not sure we have enough information to answer.

Yes, we can have one sales order with multiple tax codes.

  1. Each inventory item has a Tax Category.  Tax Categories can be ‘generic’ like Not Taxable vs. Taxable.  Or Tax Categories can assign different tax amounts/rules for the type of item:  Explosives & Solar are some examples of ‘special’ tax rates we have in the US.
  2. Each taxable Customer is assigned a tax Zone. Some customers may live in the same tax zone and be exempt - for these we add exemption info.
  3. The combination of tax categories and tax zones brings together proper taxes on your sales orders line by line.


If I haven’t answered your question…. please provide your question!  😃



Userlevel 5



@Laura02 Is there any way to have multiple tax rates on a Sales Order taxes tab, that does not result in doubling (& materially skewing) the pre-tax amount on the header section of the SO? We use this field to forecast pre-tax sales in our organization.

Ex. This order has a pre-tax amount of $85K. We charge GST (5%) and QST (9.97%).

At the header level, this order should see:

VAT Taxable - $85K

Tax - $12K

Total - $97K.

Instead, we see that the VAT taxable amount gets calculated from the fields above - $85K x 2.

 I’m struggling to see why this VAT taxable field would be built like this. My expectation is that this field should effectively be the PRE TAX Amount but seeing how it calculates this field when you have multiple types of tax is a real head scratcher.

