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Remove the Consolidation of Invoices (multiple orders)

  • 23 March 2022
  • 2 replies

Does Acumatica allow for singular invoices per Shipment? When I attempt to process shipments, the step of creating invoices based upon a shipment, consolidates all shipments that are confirmed for a customer (different shipment numbers and different order numbers) into one single invoice. How do I avoid this? 

Below you can see where the system is creating one large invoice for customer TEST90, although it covers 4 different shipments and 4 different orders.


I would need the system to create one invoice per shipment.



That fixed it, thank you! 

Good morning @Trenton78,

I think the option you are referring to can be found in Sales Orders, Order Types screen.


You may wish to copy the order type, if some orders are supposed to be invoiced separately and other order types should be combined for invoicing. 


