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Rates and Billing for Service Company that bills same customer to diff entities depending on work performed

  • 23 June 2022
  • 0 replies

Curious is there are any other companies who has customers that sometimes bill direct to customer and sometimes bill a specific billing account (depending on who is calling in the service request). and also wondering how you have it set up to pull tax zone from customer that service happened at, but pull rates and tax exemption status from billing account? 

ex. we service “Gas Station A”, when station A calls us, we collect payment (using labor rates and markups set on A as well as submit tax to A’s location taxing authority) BUT if Fuel Supplier B calls us, we bill Fuel Supplier B for the services performed at station A. (using labor rates set on B, but if B is tax exempt, we need to not charge tax on the invoice, but also need to know its an exempt sale from A’s tax zone.


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