Does anyone know the correct field to set the check number to on the Micr line report. If I set the check number parameter to PaymentMethodAccount.APLastRefNbr the whole line disappears. If I take it out the account and routing numbers show up fine but no check number. I have also tried APPaymnet.ExtRefNbr same results …..  Thank you.Â
So I figured out my problem….. some times I look into thing too deeply and it’s a simple thing ….. So my subaccount parameter was called CheckNumber but when I was passing the parameter in the main report I called it CheckNum. All I had to do was name them the same lol
Hi Alicia,
Could you attach your current check form? I’ll take a look and help you resolve this.
Thanks Gabriel,
I haven’t been on this site too often but it’s not letting me attach rpx files.  Is there another way?
You can try to zip it, or upload it to OneDrive/Dropbox/Box and get a share link that you will be able to post here. Related question: is the routing number and bank account number preprinted on your checks, or part of the form as well?
Here ya go …. I made a Box folder below is the link …. The account and routing numbers are part of the form.
How long is the check number you’re trying to print? The MICR subreport is very tight and will not accept more than 4 characters the way it is currently setup; if I enter more than 4 characters, it goes blank like you are experiencing. You can try printing the MICR Line manually, this report is in the default site map -- use the search box to find it. Note that I first had to modify the parameters to change the input mask to allow more than 4 characters...
The field you should be using in my opinion is APPrintCheckDetailWithAdjdDoc.StubNbr] -- this is what’s used on the default form. PaymentMethodAccount.APLastRefNbr definitely won’t work, this is the last printed check number, this would give you the same number on all the checks you print in a batch.
I had only been printing check numbers of two characters. I was using the ÂAPPrintCheckDetailWithAdjdDoc.StubNbr] in the subreport parameter. So it worked for you? Â
Can you try to print the MICR line report manually? You can pick the account, payment method and enter check number manually. You should see the MICR routing.
Yes I can run the MICR line manually and it works as long as I type in the check number manuallyÂ
Can you try making the subreport wider on the check, and changing the page settings of the MICR as well to make it wider? I suspect it’s just lacking space to print.
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