Hi people,
I need to migrate Customer Payment Method from on Payment Method to another, although I can’t basically modify the existing one, I need to create new ones, to keep track. This is because we are implementing new Processing Centers (Plug-in).
For that we have a csv/xlsx file with the records. In the file one of the columns is PMInstanceID of Customer Payment Method (CPM).
So then, what I am thinking is to find the existing CPM, copy it, insert a new, and past.
For the new record a need to modify 2 fields, I mean from the existing one (Payment Method and Processing Center).
Also I need to copy and past Customer Payment Method Detail, which I need to modify the Value field.
And to finalize, I need to modify the existing record to set is as “Migrate”.
I’m trying to do something like this:
Is it possible to do?
I have tried a few things and for now I am getting this error:
P.S.: We are using 2019 R2 (Yeah!)