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Hi All, 

I have created a column set that has a period from 01-2020 up to 12-2023 where I want to be able to run an Income Statement report based on the parameter that I set in the report parameters. So, I put a range 02-2020 to 08-2023 in the report parameter but the on the report output it shows all the columns available in the column set.

In my column set, I use the visible formula below. (note: the period changes per column)

=IIf((Left(@StartPeriod,2)<=1 And (Right(@StartPeriod,4)<='2020')) or (Left(@EndPeriod,2)>=1 And (Right(@EndPeriod,4)>='2020')),true, false)

Any help would be highly appreciated. 

Thank you very much. 

Anne Samson


Hi @Chris Hackett not yet. I am still finding a solution for this. 

Hi @ASamson21 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi Steven, 


Thank you for your response. 

I have tried to use the formula that you have shared. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as expected. I have put a report parameter as follow:
Start Financial Period = 02-2020

End Financial Period = 04-2023

The report output shows nothing in the column.


Am I missing something here?

Thank you.


@ASamson21 - You can try the following:

=IIf(((CInt(Right(@StartPeriod,4)) > CInt(Right(@EndPeriod,4)))


   (CInt(Right(@StartPeriod,4)) = CInt(Right(@EndPeriod,4))

   And CInt(Left(@StartPeriod,2)) >= CInt(Left(@EndPeriod,2)))),

  true, false)
