we are currently doing an implementation. How do I load the budget? I have the template ready to go.

Browse to file. Click OK on common settings. Click OK on Columns.

The above steps will load one budget for one company/branch. If you have multiple companies & branches in one file, consider Import Scenarios. To get started with Import Scenarios, search this forum, Open University, and YouTube. Good luck!
To upload a Simple Budget, here is how:
To upload the budgets from the respective Excel files, do the following:
The system uploads the budget articles from the Excel file.
The system uploads the budget articles from the Excel file.
- Open the Budgets (GL302010) form.
- In the Branch box of the Summary area, select HEADOFFICE.
- In the Ledger box, make sure BUDGET is selected.
- In the Financial Year box, select the year.
- On the table toolbar, click Load Records from File.
- In the File Upload dialog box that opens, click Choose File and select the
Sales_Budget_HEADOFFICE_2023.xlsx file. Click Upload.
- In the Common Settings dialog box that opens, select Insert All Records in the Mode box and click OK.
- In the wizard that opens, leave all the default settings and map the columns the system has filled in, and click OK.
- On the form toolbar, click Save to save the uploaded budget.
- In the Ledger box, make sure BUDGET is selected.
- In the Financial Year box, make sure 2022 is selected.
- On the table toolbar, click Load Records from File.
- In the File Upload dialog box that opens, click Choose File and select the
Production_Budget_HEADOFFICE_2023.xlsx file. Click Upload.
- In the Common Settings dialog box that opens, select Update Existing in the Mode box and click OK.
- In the wizard that opens, leave all the default settings and map the columns the system has filled in, and click OK.
- On the form toolbar, click Save to save the uploaded budget.
You must then Release the Budget:
To release the budgets, do the following:
The Processing dialog box opens. Close this dialog box when the processing is complete.
- Open the Release Budgets (GL505510) form.
- On the form toolbar, click Release All.
Here is also the help where you can find more on simple budgets and Hierarchical budgets:
Hello Guys
Please I want to upload new year budget, but I needed to spool out prior year budget to use as a template, I tried getting this but I have an error issue which am stuck and don't know how to go round it
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