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we are currently doing an implementation. How do I load the budget? I have the template ready to go.

Browse to file. Click OK on common settings. Click OK on Columns.

The above steps will load one budget for one company/branch. If you have multiple companies & branches in one file, consider Import Scenarios. To get started with Import Scenarios, search this forum, Open University, and YouTube. Good luck!

Hi @enriquey 

To upload a Simple Budget, here is how:

To upload the budgets from the respective Excel files, do the following:

The system uploads the budget articles from the Excel file.

The system uploads the budget articles from the Excel file.

  1. Open the Budgets (GL302010) form.
  2. In the Branch box of the Summary area, select HEADOFFICE.
  3. In the Ledger box, make sure BUDGET is selected.
  4. In the Financial Year box, select the year.
  5. On the table toolbar, click Load Records from File.
  6. In the File Upload dialog box that opens, click Choose File and select the xls.gifSales_Budget_HEADOFFICE_2023.xlsx file. Click Upload.
  7. In the Common Settings dialog box that opens, select Insert All Records in the Mode box and click OK.
  8. In the wizard that opens, leave all the default settings and map the columns the system has filled in, and click OK.
  9. On the form toolbar, click Save to save the uploaded budget.
  10. In the Ledger box, make sure BUDGET is selected.
  11. In the Financial Year box, make sure 2022 is selected.
  12. On the table toolbar, click Load Records from File.
  13. In the File Upload dialog box that opens, click Choose File and select the xls.gifProduction_Budget_HEADOFFICE_2023.xlsx file. Click Upload.
  14. In the Common Settings dialog box that opens, select Update Existing in the Mode box and click OK.
  15. In the wizard that opens, leave all the default settings and map the columns the system has filled in, and click OK.
  16. On the form toolbar, click Save to save the uploaded budget.

You must then Release the Budget:

To release the budgets, do the following:

The Processing dialog box opens. Close this dialog box when the processing is complete.

  1. Open the Release Budgets (GL505510) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Release All.


Here is also the help where you can find more on simple budgets and Hierarchical budgets:

Hello Guys

Please I want to upload new year budget, but I needed to spool out prior year budget to use as a template, I tried getting this but I have an error issue which am stuck and don't know how to go round it

