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Expense Claim Screen not firing Rejection Business Event.

  • 27 December 2023
  • 4 replies

Good day,


I have a client that asked me to do a Rejection Notification using email, i have created a Business event with the Trigger New Fiel Value Expense Claim status equal Rejected:


Using this template (Note, I have removed the clients email from the FROM field):

Make several attempts with differnet fields like Expense Total Greatar than zero (Using Operator AND), and diferent Expense Claims emails TO fields.

Be advise that the my client has a Expense Claim Approval Mapping and a Notification setup for that on the Time and Expense Preferences. 

Any help is highly apprecaited.

4 replies

Userlevel 3

If your business event is triggering, but not sending email . Make sure you have set the default email account in the email preferences screen.

If it is not triggering at all check the below.

1. Make sure the global admin (user ID = admin) has access to see the data on the GI

2. check if the GI has conditions, and ensure those fields that are conditions are included in fields to track

3. Make sure all tables on the GI have their Primary Keys added to results grid tab

Apart from that, try running your Business event using an Automation Schedule.

Please go through the below help article for further support


Userlevel 5

Thank you @MayomiRodrigo36 this was the solution. I had to add a few tables to try to make it where the data I was using (Expense Claim and Expense Claim Detail) will show up. 

Userlevel 1

Hi @martingaxiola, have you been able to resolve this not using GIs? I've seen other solutions using a new GI for Rejected Claims as source for the trigger, but I'm trying to make it work using the standard Acumatica page (EP301000). 

Userlevel 5

Hola @luispalmer not with the standard screen, I could make it work only with the GI,  FYI, the GI name for the fields are different from the Expense Claim screen, so you will need to do a new email template, GI tables are expense claim (PX.Objects.EP.EPExpenseClaim) and expense claim details (PX.Objects.EP.EPExpenseClaimDetails), also, make sure to group the GI by RefNbr, as this will make sure to send only one notification by reference number.


This is the email template:

Dear ((EPExpenseClaimDetails_employeeID_description))


Expense Claim #((EPExpenseClaim_refNbr))  was rejected.


Claimed By: ((EPExpenseClaimDetails_employeeID)) - ((EPExpenseClaimDetails_employeeID_description))

Description: ((EPExpenseClaim_docDesc))

Claim Date: ((EPExpenseClaim_docDate)) 

Claim Total: ((EPExpenseClaim_curyDocBal))((EPExpenseClaim_curyID)) 


Claim link: ((GeneralInfo.notificationSiteUrl))/Main?ScreenId=EP301000&RefNbr=((EPExpenseClaim_RefNbr))

