Error when creating AP bill from a completed/received Purchase Order
I am receiving an error when trying to enter an AP Bill.
The Purchase Order has one line item, for a quantity of 10 pieces. All 10 pieces have been received and a receipt for the 10 has been created and released.
Now when I get the invoice a few days later from the vendor, I go to the Purchase Order # mentioned on the invoice, however, when I click the “Enter AP Bill” from the actions drop down, I receive the following error:
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All done. Thank you so much!
‘use in quick search’ is a column on the Generic Inquiry screen, highlighted in yellow below. If not on your grid, click the column editor, boxed in red, and move that column to the ‘Selected Column’ side.
Ok the PO number is now appearing in my table. I do not see any spot for “use in quick search”.
Below is the view of GI which gives me the column I am needing, so it is working:
@trenton78, you have it in that last screenshot. The Object is POOrderReceiptLink and the Data Field is PONbr. Make sure to check ‘use in quick search’ on that row.
This is what I am looking for. I cannot seem to get the option on the results grid to add ‘POOrderReceiptLink.PONbr’, however.
@trenton78, We also had a similar issue. Our solution was to add the original PO number to the Receipt GI. You can accomplish this by adding the ‘PX.Objects.PO.POOrderReceiptLink’ table, Join as below. on the results grid add ‘POOrderReceiptLink.PONbr’. Now your AP team can search in the receipt GI for the Po number and select the corresponding receipt. Hope this helps.
Thank you. I was just trying to see if there was a faster way to do this lookup and subsequent data entry. My old system did many things bad, but it was fast at the above scenario, so I was trying to recreate it a bit if possible. I appreciate your help.
Hi @trenton78
You can create a new AP bill and add the PO receipt line based on PO number.
Hope this helps,
That appears to work, however, there is a downside.
When my AP team receives an invoice, the invoice mentions our PO #, not our Purchase Receipt number. So the AP team has no idea which receipt in the list is the one tied to the PO # we are being billed for.
Is there a faster way, such as a look up screen? Or Can the Purchase Order # be added to the table of “Receipts” so it can be easily searched and billed against the invoice?
Hi @trenton78
Please try create the AP Bill from PO receipt screen and that should work.
When you try create an AP Bill from PO screen, it looks for lines for which an AP bill can be created, without creating PO receipt (non stock items which does not require receipt).
@trenton78 Check the Release Purchase Receipts process to make sure the PO receipt is not waiting to be released.
I tested the way you said, and the receipt needed released. However, I found that I needed to check the box on the Receipt that says Create Bill before you Release it.
No as we usually do not receive the bill from the vendor for a day or two after the goods have already been received
Hi @trenton78 Was there a bill created when the PO receipt was released?
Most times the Create Bill box is checked and a Bill is created.