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Discount by Customer Price Class and Item Price Class and Warehouse

  • 24 June 2024
  • 2 replies

How do we setup discount by Customer Price Class and Item Price Class and Warehouse?

Acumatica has discount applicable to customer price class and price class but it only applies when sold from a particular warehouse.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @kristianharianja 

I see that discounts in Acumatica only applicable to a maximum of 2 conditions.

In fact, discount programs are intended to create conditions for customers to buy more products, so if the discount program has up to 3 conditions, it will be difficult to sell the products, so it is not practical.

For the type of discount you mentioned, if it actually exists, you use the type "Customer Price Class and Item Price Class" and note that it must be sold from a warehouse upon request.


Best Regards,


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @kristianharianja 

As stated by @nhatnghetinh , in Acumatica, there is only 2 conditions you can have at once for the combos you are looking for. 

You could test to have a discount by customer, then give that customer a customer price class and attach it to a warehouse.


Customer 123 discount

Customer 123 with a warehouse and customer price class discount.


I would suggest trying that. 
