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I need assistance determining how to automate the process of taking a completed (i.e. shipped and invoiced) sales order that imports in from a 3rd party application to a sales invoice. Inventory is not being tracked and under Sales Order Preferences

However, the sales invoices are not posting on the shipment date, but the date the order is being processed in Acumatica. I want to use the Quick Process function but was told by the consultants that this feature cannot be used if the sales invoice needs to be posted on the shipment date. How do I automate this with the release date the shipment date? 

@hjosephdcm @DConcannon This is accurate, there would need to be an import to update the date on quick process in order to specify something other than the business date of the date processed.

Can you clarify how you are importing these or what process is currently being used?

@hjosephdcm Shipping is a piece of the quick process and by default it will use the Business Date (to the left of your login name) as the shipment date.  What process are you using to import?  The Quick Process action is an option under import scenarios and then using <Dialog Answer>, the shipment date can be controlled by setting the ShipDateMode to Custom and loading the original ship date. Tagging @BenjaminCrisman so he can confirm.

Quick Process Dialog

