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I have a client that is testing 2022 R2 and on the appointments screen of field services, they are getting the message that Tax is not up to date however tax is recalculating. This message does not disappear when saving the appointment but when this message appears on the service order, it disappears with a save. I did not see a known issue for this but could have missed it. Anyone know why this is happening?



Hi @frankfiorentino81 I’ve seen this message on sales orders before. This usually means you have an integration with Avalara or a similar tax provider and the tax has not been calculated yet. Once you save the document and the tax is calculated automatically, it will go away.

@frankfiorentino81 Hi! We have worked to improve this in the most recent versions of Acumatica. This was identified as a bug in the system.

I hope you’re not experiencing this issue anymore. 

@estebanperalta54 That’s the problem. I know they use Avalara but the message does not go away with a save on the appointments screen even though the tax recalculates.

Hi @frankfiorentino81 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@frankfiorentino81 did you ever find a solution, I’m seeing a similar message on trying to enter a bill. 
