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There is a possibility that by mistake we can create a ticket with improper details, so Is there a way to edit the Title, Category and description or delete and re-create the topic with proper details?


Vinay K

Thanks @Naveen Boga. I let @wanizaidi27 know I need to know what post of theirs they need to have deleted. 

@wanizaidi27 We cannot delete the post as we don’t have the permissions. You can reach out to @Chris Hackett  (Community Admin) to help on this.

Hi @Irina , still now we cannot delete our posts? I need to remove one of my my posts immediately.

Hi @MnM - There are spam engine limitations but that usually just means approval. Occasionally pasted pics/text from Word have problems. If you’re still having trouble, please let me know which forum category and what you’re trying to post. Thank you!

hi there , is there also any limitation to create new topic for users? I have been trying to create new topic since last week for developer forums, but it seems to be rejecting the creation. 



I see, but the current setup and community platform settings only allow setting 60 minutes time frame to update your post.

So please add any additional info through the comments. This way it will also bring back your topic to the feed.

Hello Irina, 

Thanks for response!

I understand it, but what if I want to update the description later sometime, for suppose I have created a ticket with full details of issue (without code snippet) and would like to share the sample code on the same ticket later some time when I’m free. I understand we can added it in the comments, but that does not looks good, if a user is reviewing the ticket to help then he need to scroll and read all the comments for the additional information and code that I will be sharing on the same ticket. 


I think we should have a provision to update the description with additional information at-least a day after it was submitted. 

Hello Vinay,

Community registered users can’t delete their posts, but they are able to edit the post for 1 hour after it was submitted. After that time, editing is prohibited.
