Copyright 2005-2022 Acumatica Inc. All rights reserved. Acumatica Cloud ERP 22.110.0018 Build 22.110.0018 +
All, we can’t search by Sales Order Lines -- if we enter a string in the search field (magnifying glass), we simply get a spinning blue circle. Log out and log back in and it seems the main screen seems to hang and can take about 30 to draw/display.
Known bug? Something we can try to alleviate?
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Try disabling those conditional value columns.
You could try doing conditional formatting instead. Keep the values as actual fields, but if an order is 'late', turn it red.
You could try doing conditional formatting instead. Keep the values as actual fields, but if an order is 'late', turn it red.
Ahhhh dude, that is a big brain moment. yes, hadn’t thought of that! I wish I could like your comment twice!
First stop, try holding the shift key and clicking the browser refresh button. This recaches the page and fixes weird stuff sometimes.
Next stop, when did this start happening? Has anything changed recently, like an upgrade, new customization, etc?
Is this on a custom generic inquiry, or what screen ID? Perhaps there is simply too many results. Could you try changing the GI to limit to the past year’s worth of orders or something?
I doubt that's the issue, but you could disable that too.
I doubt that's the issue, but you could disable that too.
Yeah, those pop up occasionally but never noticed a negative impact.
Disabling the visibility conditions made an instant improvement. That’s not the solution I wanted because CS will not want to turn those off, lol. But at least I know. Thanks Daryl!
Haha, just an idea. If it works, I can't tell you why that's faster, cuz it seems like it would be doing all the same processing.
First stop, try holding the shift key and clicking the browser refresh button. This recaches the page and fixes weird stuff sometimes.
Next stop, when did this start happening? Has anything changed recently, like an upgrade, new customization, etc?
Sorry Daryl, should’ve mentioned in original post I tried the usual suspects, clearing cache, different browsers, etc.
When: unsure. I don’t work w/ sales orders and mostly do report designer/GIs. I just asked someone in Customer Service and they said about two years, lol!
I will ask our main dev who deals with our VAR. Currently the workaround in customer service is to use column filters. I just tested in Sales Orders and Purchase Orders and they both behave as expected… even a simple string that should return a lot of results only takes 2-3 seconds. Sales Order Lines will sit there for 45-60 seconds.
Is this on a custom generic inquiry, or what screen ID? Perhaps there is simply too many results. Could you try changing the GI to limit to the past year’s worth of orders or something?
Sales Orders are about 21000 records and searches are almost instantaneous. Sales Order Lines are about 41000 and it hangs for close to a minute.
I duplicated the GI and changed the default display 100 records to 35 and it didn’t make a difference.
Looking in the results grid there are 56 columns, and 6 of the columns have VisibleExpr like