When we are creating inventory stock item, Item type always showing as “Finish Good Type”.
It has mentioned in Item class as “Component Type”.
Is that Intendent behavior or any configuration missing?
When we are creating inventory stock item, Item type always showing as “Finish Good Type”.
It has mentioned in Item class as “Component Type”.
Is that Intendent behavior or any configuration missing?
Hi Naveen,
Again I Checked it. It is depending on Kit-Items enabling. I Enable it and then it is showing there.
Because we are not using Kit Assembly. Initially i disabled it.
Thank you very much your prompt Support.
Hola Team,
Per support the Component part and Subassambly options will be turn available only if the Kit Assambly feature is selected on the Enable/Disable Feature screen.
It did worked, I have tested this.
Hi Naveen,
Could you check my 2nd screen in my doc. we have assign it in Item Class?
But, when applied to stock item it is not coming. Only Finish good Type is there.
But, I have verified in brand new instance and Item Type is pulling from Item Class.
I can understand. This is abdominal behavior. If we select Component item in Item class level.
It Should appear when creating the items.
If You don’t mind Could you share me following screens to compare.
Also, I founded without enter any data system is showing only Item Type as ”Finish Good” in Stock Item creation form.
Component Type is not appearing in Stock Item Form. It is appearing Item Class form Only.
I guess that might be a root cause.
Thank you for the screens.
Could you check your stock item form, initially how many types are showing?
In our Stock item form only “Finish Good” Type is coming as default. There is no component type to select.
By default, Item Type is loading as “Finish Good”, but the dropdown is showing 3 Item Types.
Yes. I Our Scenario there is no any other option to select. We need to check what is the reason?
Whether any configuration missing form the system or not?
In your case, any customizations involved on this field or Stock items screen? if any, have you unpublished and verified?
Where you both able to resolve this issue? I’m having the same issue running 2023R2. Kit Assembly is enabled.
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