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I am having the issue that the system is still allowing negative inventory after the allow negative checkbox was unchecked on the class.

 I don’t believe the item gets updated when you change the class unless you change the item to a different class. 

Does anyone have any insight into this issue?


Hi @lori00 

I ran into this issue before, and how I solved it was I checked the Allow Negative Quantity on the Item class, then ran the Recalculate Inventory. After that was complete, I went back to the item class and unchecked the Allow Negative Quantity. 

I hope that helps you. 

Hi @lori00 


Hope you are doing well.

I know when you change the Availability Calculation you need to revalue Inventory for the changes to take effect.

Maybe try to validate the specific item and try again, otherwise I believe you are correct, I think you will need to change the class and immediately change it back and then only click on Save, this will also trigger the update on the item.


Kind Regards

Marilize van Zyl
